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As many of you know, the name “earbender” was thought of by my great friend Mike Watt for my promotion company a few years back. I receive his “flow” on a regular basis, and just the other day, watt sent a big update, with the following photo and tour dates. As a friend and fan, I’m helping get the word out as he requested.
“mike watt + the missingmen
a trio for my third opera
w/tom watson and raul morales
– – – – –
you can help watt get the word out about this
upcoming tour by going to the hoot page
and you’ll find listed next to each date a link to
a corresponding flyer for that gig and if you want,
you can print them up and get them around where
folks where you live might get a chance to know
about me and my missingmen coming to work the
town. I much appreciate it, thank you big time.”
mike watt + the missingmen – “prac’n the 3rd opera” tour 2009
fri, april 17: tucson, az – plush
sat, april 18: albuquerque, nm – launchpad
mon, april 20: dallas, tx – granada theater
tue, april 21: houston, tx – rudyard’s
wed, april 22: baton rouge, la – spanish moon
thu, april 23: tallahassee, fl – the moon *
fri, april 24: jacksonville beach, fl – freebird live *
sat, april 25: charleston, sc – the music farm *
sun, april 26: asheville, sc – the orange peel *
mon, april 27: carrboro, nc – cat’s cradle *
wed, april 29: charlotte, nc – neighborhood theatre *
thu, april 30: richmond, va – the national *
fri, may 1: lancaster, pa – chameleon club *
sat, may 2: baltimore, md – ottobar *
sun, may 3 to tue, may 5: record watt’s third opera in brooklyn, ny
wed, may 6: cambridge, ma – t.t. the bear’s
thu, may 7: hoboken, nj – maxwell’s
fri, may 8: new york, ny – the mercury lounge
sat, may 9: philadelphia, pa – north star bar
sun, may 10: pittsburgh, pa – club cafe
mon, may 11: cleveland heights, oh – grog shop
tue, may 12: detroit, mi – shelter
wed, may 13: grand rapids, mi – billy’s lounge
thu, may 14: chicago, il – schubas tavern
fri, may 15: minneapolis, mn – 7th street entry
sat, may 16: omaha, ne – the waiting room
mon, may 18: denver, co – larimer lounge
tue, may 19: salt lake city, ut – bar deluxe
wed, may 20: boise, id – neurolux
thu, may 21: portland, or – doug fir lounge
fri, may 22: seattle, wa – crocodile cafe
sat, may 23: bellingham, wa – the nightlight
sun, may 24: george, wa – sasquatch! music festival
(* opening for dinosaur jr)