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Earbender.com introduces a new series with the photo (at right) of a Phillies souvenir I obtained at a game with Jim Nelson and Meiko’s manager Mike Savage in 2008. Loosely entitled “Swag I Have Known,” the series will cull the best of my personal collection of items “curated” through years of being a sports/music/entertainment fan for fun, profit and even maybe educational purposes.
My favorite baseball swag includes ALL the teams’ logos. It may be because they go out of style quicker when teams change their symbols, which happens more often than you might expect. This Philly-centric item has two logos that were updated in ’08, Arizona and Tampa Bay’s, but none have changed since.
What are your swag preferences/collections? In my case I have documented my music career pretty closely through promo items which will soon overtake this series. Are there new pieces of swag people are impressed with? Radio and Records used to have a “Promo Item of the Week” column. I’d be curious to hear if any readers have requests or photos of their favorite stuff to share. The plentiful amount of swag coming from technology companies is impressive and will be part of the series as well!
diggin this idea. looking forward to more…
I look forward to seeing your collection. You are such a sports fan! My swag collection is limited, but I love the stuff they give you in a bag at Farm Aid. It’s stuffed full of new age, green products. But I would probably trade it for one of the bags from the Oscars, if pressed.
Sorry I won’t see you at the picnic next Sunday!