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Stu Bergen used to say “poor planning probably produces poor products” (or something like that). Take whatever sayings you can to Texas next week, because good business acumen is dependent on solid fundamentals (carrying a pen, being early, etc.). My personal goals for the week are to promote the projects I’m working, and connect with tech/music entrepreneurs for employment leads. It will be fun, chaotic and exhausting.
Austin is a tempest during SXSW. Every year we get to see all our friends and think about the past, present and future of the music business all at once. in countless showcases, parties, panel discussions, random encounters and even pre-determined “meetings” – it’s a constant barrage. Sort of like your life passing before your eyes in just a few days… people have organized label reunions (Geffen/DGC at the Driskill Friday, 5pm). Of course, we’ll be bumping into each other with heads down looking at our texts, tweets and schedules all at once too.
I recommend taking a few long walks this weekend just to test your legs out and maybe break in some shoes. Bring warm and cold weather clothes, earplugs, bandaids and other first aid for wear and tear. Some people drink energy boosting vitamin drinks too, but I advise sticking to your usual diet and sleep patterns if possible.
My schedule will be available via Google Calendar in a few days as it starts to coalesce. Besides a massive amount of people and bands (it’s still growing – yikes!), I would say a theme for SXSW 2011 will be convergence – marketing, high speed communications, music, fans, and maybe even recordings. Bands will be promoting their apps, Facebook pages, Twitter feeds and giving out thumb drives with their music. If I were a band, I would be looking for an endorsement or technology partner more than a record company, but that must be an old one already.