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Rachael Yamagata‘s sprawling second album Elephants…Teeth Sinking Into Heart was recently released and the music is good. She has a lot to say and is still finding her style, and being a double cd, the new album contains many moods. Rachael Yamagata is not afraid to bring you WAY down with some heavy love songs. It’s been a few years since her first album, but she has maintained a presence with her song “Letter Never Sent” and by doing various film/side-person work.
In 2009, it’s typical to have a sponsorship/branding opportunity to help launch and maintain the visibility and assume some of the cost of marketing an album, and Rachael Yamagata is now rolling with Garnier Fructis, a variety of hair care products.
Rachael has very nice hair which until this advertisement, covered a lot of her face, as if she were hiding in it. The Garnier deal was displayed in a double-truck (two facing pages) ad in Rolling Stone, and includes references to other aspects of the deal, both online and off. She is pretty much unrecognizable except for one pic that shows her previous Cousin Itt vibe.
In exchange for blowing her mystique, Rachael Yamagata and Warner Brothers seem to have received a red carpet shot for her at the Rock Hall of Fame opening w/her new hair style; a major presence on Garnier.com with a “celebrity stylist” and advertising. The stylist gave her three new looks, “Sound Waves,” “Sleek and Sultry” and “Rock Goddess.”
What did she give up? Was it worth it? Rachael Yamagata is very pretty and I think she was hiding a major asset. If this got her to be more outgoing, I support it.
And there’s no question those ads will hit many young people who can get into her music.