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There are many videos and pictures to catalog the week I’ve been having in Austin as a participant in my 17th SXSW music conference, and in the next few days, they will start to appear here. There is just too much to experience, let alone catalog from this massive event, but I will try to give a glimpse for the folks around the world who visit Earbender.com.
This video is from a brief performance by Shawn Sahm, with accompaniment from a few of the Gourds, as part of KGSR’s morning show in the Four Seasons lobby. Brian Beck, the affable morning man introduces one of the scions of Texas music, and Shawn Sahm shares his beautiful vibe along with one of his dad Doug Sahm’s most famous songs.
Shawn Sahm live on KGSR’s SXSW Broadcast
Incidentally, there is a new Doug Sahm tribute album out now that our friend Bill Bentley was intimately involved in helping to create. Please stop by his page Sonic Boomers to learn more about him and his noble work.