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As Earbender‘s chronicle of media hits from the Playing for Change tour rolls on, here’s a unique story based at WMSE, Milwuakee.
WMSE, based at the Milwaukee School of Engineering, is an old, respected and highly competitive college radio. Music director Mike “Buzz” Bereiter and the various djs who maintain an ecelctic, but fiercely independent set of music programs.
After a slight amount of interest from the public/community stations in Milwaukee, I changed strategy to address the most difficult of stations. As it turned out, WMSE, the most competitive aesthetically, invited the band in to perform.
It would be after a few of the longest drives of the tour, which covered the US and Canada in about a month. A day or so before the show, I heard PFC couldn’t perform live on air but said he would try and the WMSE folks said to come anyhow.
As I tuned in online that afternoon, though – no Clarence. I thought it had been canceled until a bit later on, when I saw the tweets from WMSE and the blog post they were attached to featuring Clarence and the interview. There was a fund drive going on at the time and they didn’t want to break the dj’s flow to do an interview. What happened next, after the jump.
WMSE had Clarence Bekker in their studio and had him record a interview for their blog, Sonic Diet Music News.
I was a bit disappointed Clarence didn’t get on FM that day to help sell tickets in Milwaukee, but the bottom line is it he can still be heard on WMSE’s Sonic Diet Blog.
The station also tweeted (@WMSE) about the appearance to their followers, and I’m curious to know if anyone heard about it that way (please write).
More to come from this great tour soon!