Rolling Stones "Shine A Light" IMAX Review

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The movie was pretty good and I almost think I would see it again just to remember the good parts better. “Faraway Eyes” might have been my favorite. It had something missing in the Stones’ arena shows: Keith singing background vocals. Buddy Guy was excellent, his unmoving face as he watched the other players on stage got the extreme closeup. My one complaint was that there wasn’t enough Charlie Watts on camera.

We had just one or two moments behind the kit with the man who is the mvp of the band in so many ways. In an interview he said he wanted to be a designer. Charlie is so genius… he takes a deep breath after “All Down the Line,” the third song, and one of the fastest in their repertoire. Mr. Richards naturally doesn’t hit a bad note all night although you could say he only hit bad notes too. They are all so great.

I was there that night! And all day, outside the theater trying to get an extra from someone. I asked President Bill Clinton when he walked by. As he shook my hand, I said, “Mr. President, got an extra for tomorrow?”

Without skipping a beat, Mr. Clinton said “I’ll try.” He blew me off smoothly. I ended up listening to a few songs by the back door before going home. I knew I would get to see it in the movies.

It was galling knowing that they cast the audience in the first few rows of the theater when I was shut out of the show. Shut out because the band announced that there might be some tickets released to the public. There weren’t. Seeing the young women in the front row in front of the REAL audience of old guys w/camera phones, wire-rim glasses and caps in the movie, I understood Sir Mick’s play. He probably took a look at who lined up that day, and started going through pictures of potential audience members.

Meanwhile, the hot woman in the movie is Christina Aguilera. She looked and sounded great. I wonder why none of the 17 cameras caught Mick grabbing her. Her squeal was audible and the whole thing made me feel like Pat Boone watching Mick and Tina Turner on Live Aid.

I would see this movie again but I wish there had been a bit more Charlie in it!!!

USA Today interview with Scorsese.

Social Media was used to promote a Stones album for the first time:
Rolling Stones site reprints Rolling Stone magazine interview. has an RSS feed I’m proud to say I signed up for.
Facebook Stones page
myspace Stones page

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