All-Star Absences Hurt the Game

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MLB’s All-Star Game has long captivated fans by showcasing the best players in an exclusive, one-time event. By adding “last man votes,” replacements and requiring even the worst teams be represented, the rosters have become too dilute to really represent the sport’s elite players. I haven’t heard of half of these guys! Even worse, perennials […]

Watching the 100th Indianapolis 500

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The Indianapolis 500 is one of the premier sporting events in the US and this year marks the 100th anniversary of the great race. The race really comes to life on television too, with countless camera angles, including each driver’s point of view, an aerial camera that is mobile, numerous fixed locations and a helicopter. […]

Lee Elia 100th Anniversary Video – NSFW

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Cub manager Lee Elia‘s 1983 tirade is one of my favorite moments in baseball history. After an early season blowout where the day-baseball fans of Wrigley Field went off on the team, Elia went off on them. Every reporter in Chicago caught the rant on tape, and it was so blistering that it became public. […]

Carlos Santana Speaks for "the invisible" at MLB Civil Rights Game

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Rock icon Carlos Santana used the awards ceremony of MLB’s annual Civil Rights Game to make comments about Atlanta and Arizona’s recent immigration laws, and drew boos from the fans in attendance the next day when introduced before the game. I applaud Carlos Santana for taking a stand for “the invisible.”

In accepting the Beacon […]

Seinfeld Night at CitiField – An Excellent Promotion

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How could you have an entire night at a baseball game dedicated to the TV show “Seinfeld”? It seems like a promotion about nothing to many people, but it was one of the most sophisticated, entertaining and best-executed events I’ve ever seen at a Major League Baseball game.

Beginning with the promotional cap carrying the […]