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Duane Reade's "Blue Note" Cookies
The esteemed NY Times even ran a story (a few years too late) this week entitled “As CD Sales Wane, Music Retailers Diversify Their Wares.” Where were they when Tower Records started selling action figures and chewing gum in about 2004 to try to emulate Newbury Comics‘ success? Their article is more about how Best Buy and other recorded music sellers have turned to actual musical instruments. To me, the undercurrent of the article is that the box stores are trying to take out Sam Ash and what’s left of 48th Street.
Even though guys in guitar stores are notorious pricks, I would still rather have them condescend to me than having the typically uninformed Best Buy salespeople to work with. Instrument sales people may have a big influence, but there are also many stories like Muddy Waters purchasing his Stella from the anonymous Sears Catalog.
Nevertheless, I was shocked to see the following in one of my (three) local Duane Reade stores – cookies with a Blue Note Records logo! (Ironically, records before they are pressed were called “biscuits”) It seems they are just “gluten free” but are in the label portion of what sure looks like an old lp. The only difference is the side bars are in green. Incidentally, I don’t think I would’ve been offended if they actually were “Blue Note Cookies.” It could certainly get the history and content of their catalog out in a unique way.

The famous Blue Note Records logo on a label blank
Are there good titles to use for Blue Note Cookies? They do have some interesting titles: “Black Fire” (Andrew Hill); “Come Away with Me” (Norah Jones); “Out to Lunch” (Eric Dolphy); “Sidewinder” (Lee Morgan); “A New Perspective” (Donald Byrd); “Empyrean Isles” (Herbie Hancock); “New Beginnings” (Don Pullen’s amazing solo debut). I would put a cd or some other media in the bag or even better, get the folks to register for my social media/swag attack.
We have certainly seen samplers in stranger places, and will continue to! (Please refer to the singing toothbrush/music timer if you have time).