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Earbender was proud to present artists in the Microsoft Phone-TechSet Blogger Lounge for the second year during SXSW Interactive, which saw a 40% increase in attendance this year. As a music company working in the tech arena, and as a tech person/blogger/social media expert to music people, this is encouraging news for Earbender.
According to Loren Feldman of 1938Media, “I love seeing music in the blog lounge because I feel we have to integrate arts with new media as opposed to staying separate because that’s how we will all grow.”
It’s just amazing how much music was part of the Interactive conference this year. The CEO of Spotify, a company that plans to offer free streaming music on an ad-based model, was keynote speaker, and it hasn’t even launched yet. Everyone is eager to see how technology’s next phase can accomplish the integration Loren mentioned.
Thanks to Brian Solis, Stephanie Agresta, Karen Hartline, Microsoft Phone, 1938Media; artists Austin Collins and Matt King, Todd “Aggie” Gardner of Davis-McLarty Talent Agency, and all who have helped get Earbender established in the tech space.