Data Visualization for Music Taking Off

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Data visualization is an exploding field, with rock stars and conventions of its own, such as Yale’s Edward Tufte or the popular writer/blogger Nathan Yau (“Visualize This”). As data overwhelms us (more since 2002 than all the years of human history prior combined!), visualization of it continues to grow in influence, and we are seeing […]

Citibank to Sell EMI to UMG and Sony

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"Electric & Musical Industries Ltd"

After many years of speculation, one of the oldest music companies, EMI will finally be broken up in Citibank’s imminent sale of its recording and publishing businesses to Universal and Sony.

It is a sad day for the music business, as we know what happens when Universal takes over […]

Internet College Radio in The New York Times

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Clever contrast of WFUV's remaining vinyl and net servers

Today’s New York Times features a front-page story about the evolution of non-commercial radio, “College Radio Heads: Off the Dial.” It is a very encouraging article about how many members of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, the organization that guides the building of stations, are now […]

Bjork’s Biophilia Matches Visuals and Music

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Bjork is (briefly) limited to two dimensions on Biophilia's "cover" (Nonesuch)

As the convergence of the touch screen continues, futuristic music artist Bjork has created Biophilia, a new music album in the form of a series of iPad apps. In it, the music of Bjork is matched to various visual patterns that the user […]

Honey Comb Archie and Alpha Bits

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Cereal is still an occasional snack for me, but when I was a little kid, it was one of my major sources of nutrition. And among all foods items, it is one of the most lucrative, competitive and high margin areas. Cereals have added fiber, low calories and whole grains as a response to the […]