Citibank to Sell EMI to UMG and Sony

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"Electric & Musical Industries Ltd"

After many years of speculation, one of the oldest music companies, EMI will finally be broken up in Citibank’s imminent sale of its recording and publishing businesses to Universal and Sony.

It is a sad day for the music business, as we know what happens when Universal takes over […]

Internet College Radio in The New York Times

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Clever contrast of WFUV's remaining vinyl and net servers

Today’s New York Times features a front-page story about the evolution of non-commercial radio, “College Radio Heads: Off the Dial.” It is a very encouraging article about how many members of the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, the organization that guides the building of stations, are now […]

All-Star Absences Hurt the Game

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MLB’s All-Star Game has long captivated fans by showcasing the best players in an exclusive, one-time event. By adding “last man votes,” replacements and requiring even the worst teams be represented, the rosters have become too dilute to really represent the sport’s elite players. I haven’t heard of half of these guys! Even worse, perennials […]

RIP Andrew Gold

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"My absolute favorite picture with Linda Ronstadt" from Andrew Gold's MySpace page

Besides a Gallifanikis beard, Andrew Gold had a career that has strong relevance to today’s entertainment world. His early death at 59 has me thinking about the man and his family, and of course, the business. Would a career like Andrew Gold’s […]

Carlos Santana Speaks for "the invisible" at MLB Civil Rights Game

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Rock icon Carlos Santana used the awards ceremony of MLB’s annual Civil Rights Game to make comments about Atlanta and Arizona’s recent immigration laws, and drew boos from the fans in attendance the next day when introduced before the game. I applaud Carlos Santana for taking a stand for “the invisible.”

In accepting the Beacon […]