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Just a few blocks down 5th Avenue, the Metropolitan Museum of Art recently promoted itself via a Flickr account where it asked visitors to upload their pictures. But the Guggenheim’s social media campaign via YouTube includes the promise of participants’ work being considered as art for the museum itself. As a progressive institution that helped launch video as a serious discipline with Naim June Paik and others, this could really kick things up a notch on their acquisition/curation process.
“YouTube Play. A Biennial of Creative Video aims to discover and showcase the most exceptional talent working in the ever-evolving realm of online video today. Open to the entire global community, we aim to identify and celebrate work that expands the notion of what video can be. Whether you are an amateur or a professional video maker we seek innovative, original, and surprising videos, regardless of genre, technique, background, or budget. This unprecedented initiative is not a search for what’s “now,” but for what’s next.”