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While promo people give a lot of stuff out, we don’t often get items back from our business to business partners – the relationships are way too unequal for that. But occasionally, in a few instances, I have picked up t shirts, mousepads, antenna bobbles or other items meant for entities other than their content providers. Listeners, advertisers and donors are the intended parties for these items.
The artifact I am featuring today was given to me by a radio station I enjoyed a great “sense of harmony” with, KIFM in San Diego. This station really disliked the music I was working and only gave sporadic airplay to our artists. I’m not sure if that’s the best formula… what if they hated me but played everything they hated? I’ve seen that syndrome before… seems short-lived as a strategy though.
KiFM now calls itself the breeze (like the Allman Brothers?) and can be found here.