Lee Elia 100th Anniversary Video – NSFW

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Cub manager Lee Elia‘s 1983 tirade is one of my favorite moments in baseball history. After an early season blowout where the day-baseball fans of Wrigley Field went off on the team, Elia went off on them. Every reporter in Chicago caught the rant on tape, and it was so blistering that it became public. […]


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I told you baseball season was getting interesting. Here’s Cubs Manager, Lou Piniella, who I have been a fan of since was a great player on the Yankees in the 70s, a manager in the 80s and then with the Reds, Mariners, Rays and Cubs. As he points out in the interview below, he has […]

Opening Night at Yankee Stadium

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Thanks to a very rainy nasty day, there were a lot of tickets available for Opening Night at the new Yankee Stadium, and at about 5pm, a free seat came my way. It was not that cold out, and rain or not, how could I miss the first game at the new park, even if […]

Layering Up for the Winter Classic

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The Winter Classic, the National Hockey League‘s exciting New Year’s Day tradition, is a marketing effort that will be shown on NBC today at 1pm eastern. The idea is that a midday game on a holiday with a special background will get casual hockey fans interested, along with people who would never watch a game. […]