Sunday Morning Guitar: Def Leppard "Photograph"

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Enjoying some old cuts on iTunes shuffle, I heard a nice old one from my friends Def Leppard, “Photograph.”

I immediately looked it up on, where I found a good transcription to try out later on.

No one knows I play guitar and I probably won’t ever do it in public, but when I’m […]

A Righteous Grunge Reprise: Creed in Reunion "Talks"

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Reuters reports that former members of Creed are “in talks” to reunite, but you know these things “take on a momentum of their own,” to quote Tony Soprano. Reuters’ article mentions some astonishing stats, like 27 million sold in the US since 1997. (All my efforts have gone to naught!)

It’s all Robert Plant’s fault. […]

Dylan Hohner Harmonicas Released

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As part of his continued Renaissance, Bob Dylan has endorsed a set of new harmonicas made by the longtime industry leader, Hohner. Somehow, Dylan continues to reap benefits from the new landscape of the music business without being offensive/crass (Stones, Springsteen, take note). Pete Townshend gets it too (but he had a special way to […]

GNR and NPR, together?

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Guns ‘n Roses‘ long awaited new album Chinese Democracy has finally been released, now let’s watch the campaign to sell the album to their former fans (35+ at least, soccer moms, etc.). The business has changed, the audience doesn’t listen to rock radio the same way, so it will be interesting how they […]